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Blog 21: A Japanese adventure

A very good Sunday to you all from Team Pig! I don't know about you but I never know what to put on in the morning with this changeable weather...!

After last week's craziness, we've had a calmer week which has given me some time to recover from my trip to the land of the rising sun - Japan!

It was the first time I'd been back to my home country during the sakura (cherry blossom) season in 13 years, so I was really hoping that the weather was warm enough for the blossoms to be in full bloom while I was there. Unfortunately it was still a bit chilly so it was not to be... But I made up for it by eating. There are lots of good Japanese restaurants in the UK these days, especially in London, but I must say you have no idea what you're missing unless you actually go to Japan. See photo for some grilled eels on rice. Yum. Hopefully this will be making my fellow Piggies jealous. Or maybe not... Trust me these grilled eels are absolutely delicious!!

I also had a chance to go through my old photos - some very interesting artifacts there so I shall share a few with you. I hope they will provide a few giggles to brighten up your day...!

As always, tweet me if you have any burning questions or comments you'd like to share. @manashibata

Matane! (See you!)

P.S.: Another of our number is jetting around the world this week - our bassoonist Cat is off on tour to Bolivia on Tuesday - safe trip and have an amazing time!

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